Protect your staff & school while taking photos

SchoolBench Mobile allows to capture and to remove students images from personal phones.

An app built to be in accordance with governance matters.

SchoolBench Photo privacy

Taking securely photos of your students

SchoolBench Mobile has been developed with in mind the respect of the privacy of your students.

All your staff can use the dedicated mobile app to take daily photos in total compliance with Australian laws.

SchoolBench Media Consent

Photos are kept within SchoolBench ecosystem

Photographies taken by your staff are securely stored in our mobile app.

Selected images can be send to SchoolBench Media, to be stored on your serveur, whom no third party can access.

All photos remaining in the mobile app can be automatically deleted. No image will be available from the device storage.

SchoolBench Mobile, a secured app for your school

An easy way to capture the life at your school while complying with privacy of your students.

Do you want to know more about our solution?

Contact us