blog / 25 September 2020 A very social SchoolBench SchoolBench continues to grow its social media footprint, each week with more great Australian & New Zealand schools and their communication teams choosing to follow SchoolBench. From a standing start only a few months back, the results have been heart-warming. If you are not following SchoolBench yet on Instagram or Facebook, you are missing out on the great content as well as the bi-monthly competition for the best school photo. Congratulations to Seymour College once again with the amazing photo of their little old girls. Check it out, it’s just gorgeous! Instagram This month’s prize is a brand-new Kindle to keep you Iso entertained with all those novels. So snap, follow and enter the competition by either tagging SchoolBench or using #schoolbenchcontest – it’s that simple! Our team of highly trained photo aficionados will judge and award the winner on the 14th of October. SchoolBench goes Viral Video We are all super excited as next week SchoolBench launches its very own YouTube channel. Fronted by Catherine, SchoolBench’s Customer Experience Manager, Catherine will be providing regular tutorials on how to get the best out of your SchoolBench. Catherine’s calm and engaging voice and extensive experience with SchoolBench will ensure your SchoolBench knowledge will be at the forefront to help you in your daily work. SchoolBench Media Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum sed ut perspiciatis unde. / More from the blog / Discover SchoolBench Media Parashift Announcement – Mobile App SchoolBench Mobile v2