SchoolBench Portal+ Features

Your private social network for your community.

SchoolBench Community Portal

+ Automation and manual publishing

+ Publish both photos, video and text communication

+ Supports SAML, OIDC and ADFS for single sign-on

+ Deployment options of stand-alone or embedded within an existing portal

+ Encrypted outbound photo traffic served from SchoolBench Media

+ Every parent receives a personalised page dedicated to their children

+ Specific audience level communication

+ Facial recognition matching of student to parents

+ Privacy consent managed publishing

+ Webshop or free download available

+ Analytic reporting

Custom School webshop
Are you interested to discover how our Parent Portal can help you connect with your community?
Custom School webshop

+ A way for families to enjoy memories.

Easily share a student's entire education journey through the SchoolBench Media and Portal interaction.

SchoolBench Portal automatically creates an individual catalogue for each student.

+ Share in confidence with your private social network.

With pre-built media types, you can easily organise and share your events publications.

Access to the portal is solely controlled by your school and can also be integrated to an LMS.

Learn more about Community
Custom School webshop

+ Plays well with others

Can be a stand-alone portal or embedded into an existing community portal/LMS.

School Media Management

SchoolBench Portal+
Your private Social Network

Get in touch to learn more.