SchoolBench Portal+ Features
Your private social network for your community.
+ Automation and manual publishing
+ Publish both photos, video and text communication
+ Supports SAML, OIDC and ADFS for single sign-on
+ Deployment options of stand-alone or embedded within an existing portal
+ Encrypted outbound photo traffic served from SchoolBench Media
+ Every parent receives a personalised page dedicated to their children
+ Specific audience level communication
+ Facial recognition matching of student to parents
+ Privacy consent managed publishing
+ Webshop or free download available
+ Analytic reporting
+ A way for families to enjoy memories.
Easily share a student's entire education journey through the SchoolBench Media and Portal interaction.
SchoolBench Portal automatically creates an individual catalogue for each student.
+ Share in confidence with your private social network.
With pre-built media types, you can easily organise and share your events publications.
Access to the portal is solely controlled by your school and can also be integrated to an LMS.
+ Plays well with others
Can be a stand-alone portal or embedded into an existing community portal/LMS.
SchoolBench Portal+
Your private Social Network
Get in touch to learn more.